Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Change You Can Believe In!

Well, Resurrection Sunday has come and gone. Has been a real challenge getting my "sea legs" back under me. A bunch of heart attacks and open heart surgery can knock the stuffings out of you. Have pretty much lost any selfish ambitions I might have had. I have come face to face with my own mortality and the reality of death. Its been all around me. I realize that I am very vulnerable, and have little physical strength, so my strength is the LORD. He has carried me through some really tough times lately. The Comforter is truly a "Very Present Help in time of need".
Whenever my weakness would become overwhelming in my emotions, I would cry out in my heart to the Comforter, and, as the Living God He is, He would come. I would visualize myself as the size of a four year old, crawling up into his Daddy's lap, and just asked to be held. He never failed to show up.
Last Sunday, two of our house guests went to church with us, and both asked Christ to come into their lives. Please feel free to pray for Dave and Vern. These are young men in early 20's, walking in darkness, and in desperate need of direction, and a real transformation. "One sows, another waters, and even another reaps the harvest, but all receive the same reward". We are members one of another is we belong to Christ. He is the Head, and we, the church, is His Body.
My brother Donnie passed two weeks ago. Please pray for Helen, his widow. She is 73 and knows the LORD.
Also please pray for Jamie. Her car was stolen and she is without wheels, and is the mother of a 2 month old infant, no husband, no home, and a 2year old son. She is addicted to alcohol and weed.
Please pray for our finances. I need some money to sow. Can't reap a harvest unless some seed is sown.
I need some change that can be believed in!
Bless you
Bless you