To:Kathy Bigby
Sent: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:09:02 -0700
Hi Kathy,
The most powerful word I've read this recent season of warfare Kathy at the perfect time to hear it---doesn't it make your heart LEAP FOR JOY!!
This so aligns with what He has been giving us the last 105 days on the conference calls to lay the foundation for the year ahead. Will bring all who read it into a new level of divine peace.
So appreciate you sending it-- getting it out now.
My love--Rosemary
On Oct 27, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Kathy Bigby wrote:
> Rosemary..... This is an awesome word: well worth reading. Love... me
> banner for the Shift DC 2011
> DC Shift 10-25-2011
> David Wagner Prophetic Word
> I hear the spirit of the Lord say Behold I am bringing you into a historic moment and season. Know this says the Lord; all of creation was created by me. It was created with my voice. It was created with my best interest at heart. I once again am going to take pleasure and I am going to take, says the Lord, my purpose to the streets of America and I am going to begin something new in Washington DC and in this Mid-Atlantic region.
> I am going to cause my heart to beat like never before. There is a synchronization of my heart that I am ordering in this season. The Lord says I want your heart to beat with mine. I am causing the heartbeats of ministries to align with me. For the Lord says I am getting rid of old patterns and I am getting rid of old processes. I am getting rid of old programs says the Lord. I am releasing the pattern of my son Jesus into the earth like never before.
> I am releasing says the Lord another wave and another wind. For the purpose of this meeting in this very week is more than the preaching and more than the declaration. I have designed this week to release a momentum which is birthed on the winds of worship. For there is a roar and there is a sound that I am about to release in this week that is going to release a thundering and a shaking so that Washington DC will shake with the vibration of a move of the spirit.
> The season of delay and disappointment is coming to an end. I am seated upon the throne. Nothing catches me by surprise. I did not wake up one day and say "Oh my the world is in crisis what should I do?" I didn't wake up and notice that our nation's debt rating was going awry and say "Oh no what will I do" I am the God who is in control yet I am uncontrollable. I am unstoppable. I am unchangeable. Why do you fear like the world fears? Did I not speak of these things? Did I not say when you see these things coming do not fear as the world fears but rejoice, look up for your redemption draws nigh.
> Know this says the Lord many are looking for judgment but I am the God of redemption. I am redeeming the time and I am redeeming the nation. I am redeeming the city and I am saying open up ye doors lift up your heads oh ye gates. Open up ye doors that the King of Glory my come in. I am the Father of Glory and I am going to release my Glory in America again, and again, and again, and again! Is there a new dispensation? Have I suddenly stopped? Have I given up? Have I turned away? Or are my eyes still upon the righteous? You say Lord as a nation we've turned against you. How true that is, but did I not say that I looked for one to stand in the gap?
> Does my word not speak of a remnant? I am raising up a remnant a remnant that will not bow, a remnant that will not bend, a remnant that will not compromise. I am evicting the compromising spirit out of this city. I am evicting the spirit that makes backroom deals. I am getting ready to arrest the political spirit in the region.I am evicting and dethroning demonic dynasties from DC. I am evicting, I am eradicating the spirit of religion, the spirit of greed, the spirit of power, the spirit of control. How will it be done?
> Did I not say that upon my church I will pour out my spirit? Did I not say that I would release my manifest power and wisdom, knowledge and revelation to powers and principalities? Why are you just saying it in here? It is time to declare it in the streets. It is time to declare with every step that our God reigns in this city. It is time to declare that no longer am I coming to a meeting but I am a movement. It is time to declare that I no longer am I coming to encounter God but you should be an encounter of God. Why do you worry when I am worthy? Why do you worry when I am worthy. Why do you doubt when I am the divine.
> Why do you shake and tremble at the words and legislation of man when I have called you to prophesy legislation. You say "I do not have ears of the representatives, senators, president or the judicial. You do not need an ear you just need to say what I say. Was my word not spoken in the beginning upon the darkness, upon the water of the sea? When the earth had no form or void there was nobody to listen, it had no ear. But when I spoke it responded and everything was created to my specifications.
> Did I not call those like Moses, David, Abraham and the men of old to come up higher and come up here? Did I not speak to them alone face to face like a man speaks to his friend? Did I not carry out my verdict and my judgments? Did I not carry out, says the Lord, the very things that I have spoken? The Lord says that history is but a book. I am the author and finisher of that book. I am the author and finisher of your faith. The Lord says I am bringing you to the part of the book that gets really, really good. It is history, it is a mystery, it is a love story, it is a romance, it is an adventure, and it is going to have a happy and holy ending.
> I win; you win because I have already won. You hear of the earthquakes, you hear of the hurricanes, you hear this thing and that thing blazing through your nation and abroad.Some have wondered is this the end? But I declare to you that it is a new beginning.It is the birth pains. For all of creation is longing until now with eager expectations even with birth pains, waiting for the manifestations of the sons and daughters of God.
> The earth is acting up because you haven't cried out. There are protestors, wars, tornadoes and famines simply because of this, rocks are crying out instead of you.It is time to declare what I said. Stop with the doom, gloom, agony and despair and all of the dread. Simply say what I say. My word still pierces the darkness. My light still shines in the darkness. I am still sovereign. I still know what I am doing. I am calling my church to trust me again. They said they would try to take it from your currency. But my name shall remain. I am dismantling block by block and brick by brick the monument of a man to declare my holiness and my glory.
> Get ready says the Lord for I am going to shake institutions of the Mormon and the Mason alike.I am going to reveal my revelation and reveal my heart. I am going to begin to overthrow the strongman. Many have studied and done prayer walks and investigated this city. Some see it this way and that way. I am about to turn it around and the way things are laid out are simply going to be known as the way of grace.
> I am coming says the Lord to bring the belt of truth to the beltway from Maryland and DC and into Virginia. I am coming says the Lord on 95 and 395 and 495 and I am coming on the beltway says the Lord to pave a highway of holiness.Get ready for the Church shall emerge, not quote unquote the emerging church movement, but I am causing my church to come out of hiding.
> Why do you stay within the four walls? On the day of Pentecost was it not too good to keep to themselves? Were they not willing to stumble into the streets, stutter and speak in other tongues, be marked and be made fun of? Why should you be any different? I did not promise that you will be comfortable and cozy. I did not call you to stay I called you to go. You've been saying oh Jesus come and I have been saying "Oh church Go!" Is not what I have put inside of you too good to keep in here? Does it not belong in the highways, byways, restaurants and the stores? Have I not designed my church to carry me with you?
> A shift is taking place. Before I can shift a nation I have to shift my church. Before I judge a nation I have to judge the church because it is written that judgment begins in the house of God.
> America, America, America, I am calling you once again to me. I am causing you to bow down, I am causing you to worship.I am giving you another chance you adulteress bride.For did I not birth you, did I not birth you with the purpose of world missions and evangelism? Not globalization but indeed in a sense global celebration where those that would rejoice because salvation has come.
> America do not make me take the light and the mantel from you and pass it to another. Cry out to me and I shall redeem the time. I shall redeem the mistakes of the last decade. I am the God who allows do overs. I am bringing forth a do over. I am bringing forth a do over.
> Do not curse your President. It was by my will that I put him in office. Is it not I that set kings and dethrone them? Am I not the Lord who knows what I am doing? Am I a God that makes mistakes? Am I a God who somehow fails or misses it? For I put Barrack Hussein Obama in the White House for season on purpose. To accelerate and hasten the day of my coming. To initiate and inaugurate some end times things that had to be done. I can use anything and anyone.
> Get ready says the Lord. Some of you have cursed him and can't wait for him to leave. I have blessed him with two daughters that will have dreams and visions of me. For the daughters shall be the key to his heart. It may not be a public profession or a public interaction but before January of 2013 you will note a change. You will note humility. I am a God that humbles a man. For who can stand in my presence and live?
> I am bringing a presence to the White House that will cause men to fall prostrate. I have heard the cry of a few. I have heard the cry of the chosen. Do not fear, do not dread and do not doubt. For in this next season of 2012 I am establishing Kingdom government. I am making it right in the church to make it right in the earth.
> I am removing dysfunction. For you have been a dysfunctional people, a dysfunctional nation. For your character has not been good. Look around you dysfunctional families, dysfunctional churches, dysfunctional governments, and dysfunctional economies. There are 5 major dysfunctions in the earth, 5 major dysfunctions in America and 5 major dysfunctions in the church.
> You are unfathered, you are uncorrected, you are unfruitful, you are untaught and you are unhealed. What I have given to the church to bless and to build has been denied, eliminated and overlooked.
> But I have functions that will remove your dysfunctions. This is why I have cause the shift to take place. For the cure and the function to get rid of the dysfunction of the unfathered are true apostolic fathers. I am releasing true apostolic fathers in the earth who will not build their own dynasty, kingdom, ministry or church. Who will not be moved by the crowd but will be moved by the cloud of my glory. Who will father and not dictate. I am removing the slave drive, slave master mentality. I am removing the credentials from the charismatic celebrity who has not touched the people. Apostolic fathers shall cure the unfathered. The prophets have been silenced or minimized or in order to be accepted they have compromised. They have told you what you wanted to hear instead of what I wanted to say. Because of it my church, people and nations have been uncorrected.
> I am restoring prophetic fathers to correct the church. To once again go into palaces office building and declare thus sayeth the Lord. The gag order has been lifted from my prophets. Elijah there are still yet 7000 people in this city why do you think you are alone. Why do you think they will not hear you? I am sending true prophet fathers and mothers to cure the uncorrected. How do we expect them to know the way have we not shown them the way? How do we expect them to know the truth when we did not tell them the truth?
> You have been unfruitful because the evangelist has been summoned to the four walls of the church to entertain. To bring forth revival so you can be blessed again instead of equipping and releasing and winning the lost. I am healing the sin; I am healing the dysfunction of being unfruitful. True evangelistic fathers and mothers are emerging.
> You have been untaught because teachers have been forced to sell their books to merchandise their anointing. Or they have been diminished to be in a little back corner room. True teachers of my word who will not compromise it, who will know it, who will study it, who will declare it and who will preach it in its fullness are about to emerge. I will heal your dysfunction of being untaught.
> And you that are unhealed I am sending to you true shepherds, true pastors who will love you for you and not what you can do for them. Who will once again carry the lambs when their legs are broken upon their shoulders. Who will once again preach truth and righteousness instead of the next scheming thing of possible and potential church growth. I am not into numbers, I am not into numbers, I am into names. The days of the mega church are coming to an end. Nothing wrong with the size but my plan is to multiply.
> Get ready says the Lord I am redefining the success of ministry. It is not by the numbers on your rolls. It is about the names written in the Lambs Book of Life. I am restoring true pastors who will heal the broken, restore the hurting and pastor people. When this takes place says the Lord revival will come. Oh how I want to give to you. I do not want to visit I want full custody. I do not want to come and play on Sunday, an occasional conference or meet you for an hour on Wednesday.I want to possess you.I want to cuddle you, I want to speak to you, I want to kiss you, I want to feed you, I want to clothe you. I am causing the whole church to emerge in DC so that the church may be whole. I am removing the counterfeit. I am removing the counterfeit anointing. The mimicking, the imitation I shall expose. Behold I've come to do a new thing through my body the church and not just a few. I am coming to do a new thing.
> My desire and my design is that every member becomes a full time minister. If you are a Christian then you are a fulltime minister. Stop sitting on the sidelines. I am in you like I am in the speaker. I am in you like I am in the apostle. I am in you like I am in the prophet. I am in you like I am in the evangelist. I am in you like I am in the pastor. I am in you like I am in the teacher. I AM IN YOU. The world is waiting.
> For this is a city that still hasn't found what it has been looking for. But it is about to. Let's give them something to talk about says the Lord. Were not my people in the book of Acts first named Christians because when they saw them coming they said here comes the little Jesus again. What are they saying about you? It is time for me to live through you. You don't have to earn it , it is already paid for you don't have to become it you just have to be. For indeed I am shifting a nation but I am doing it by shifting my church. Look around you, for I have longed for this moment and have pulled you from this place and that place. Pastors and leaders, people that have come I have drawn you to myself. Now go and be. Establish and multiply. Do not hoard for yourself. Go heal the holes of the souls of a nation. Many are waiting. They are waiting on you. I am taking back the reigns, I am taking back control, I am taking back my rightful place in the church. You are part of history for sure. This moment is greater than you think. It has great ramifications for the enemy. I am evicting the enemy. I am taking eminent domain. I am possessing my possessions.I am possessing you.
> *For more details about "The Shift" click here.
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> I am, in our Lord, Yours.......
> Kathy Bigby, MM
> P.O. Box 2315
> Woodinville, WA 98072-2315
> 206-227-1874
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